Remote control

Remote control

Instruments > Autopilot REMOTE CONTROL description specifications features related products GyroPilot remote control Wireless control of the pilot with automatic man-over-board detection. This remote control is light and user friendly. Designed for the...


Instruments > Autopilot JOYSTICK The joystick allows you to have a direct control on the position of the helm. Related products...
PAD Display

PAD Display

Instruments > Afficheurs PAD DISPLAY description specifications features related products This wired remote control incorporates the A-B-C-D keys to directly access pre-programmed configurations. For example, after a start in configuration A, a simple press of the...
PAD Pilot

PAD Pilot

Instruments > Display PAD PILOT description specifications features related products With the “PAGE”, “OK” and arrow keys you can change the display, enter the menus, perform sensor calibrations and pilot settings.he following 6 keys are...


Instruments > Autopilot GYROPILOT 3 description specifications features related products The new GyroPilot 3 computer offers unparalleled steering quality for everyone. It meets your need for an autopilot available in all sea and wind conditions. The GyroPilot 3 is...