Analog Monitor 4X

Analog Monitor 4X

Instruments > Interfaces ANALOG MONITOR 4X description specifications features related products Create and publish on the Topline Bus your own channels. This interface allows to create and publish on the Topline Bus the data of any third party sensor(s) of analog...
Ethernet Box

Ethernet Box

Instruments > Interfaces ETHERNET BOX description specifications features related products The Ethernet Box has the same functional characteristics as the USB WiFi Box. Instead of WiFi, it can join an Ethernet network. It is thus possible to gather all the sources...
9X Compass

9X Compass

Instruments > Sensors 9X COMPASS description specifications features related products The “Compas 9X” nke is a precision sensor comparable to an inertial unit, realizing the fusion of accelerometers, gyrometers and magnetometers data in real time.It delivers a true...
Aluwind HR

Aluwind HR

Instruments > Sensors ALUWIND HR description specifications features related products The Aluwind HR is a measuring instrument for wind speed and direction. It is connected to the TOPLINE bus of your installation. Equipped with high quality ball bearings and...


Instruments > Autopilot ACTUATOR The most reliable power unit. nke prefers hydraulic rams due to their renowned reliability, power and fast reaction. This unit comprises a compact reversible pump and a hydraulic cylinder assembly. This system ensures that your helm...